Adineta barbata Janson 1893
Adineta barbata: a bdelloid rotifer very common in moss and humus soil samples. Adineta is characterized by a specific movement: the head slides more or less continuously across the substrate, while the foot and the body move and contract. (2)
Adineta barbata: specimen from (2)
Adineta barbata: the rostrum is very long, the margins are parallel-side (see also image below) (Hattingen Oberstueter, forest, moss on tree, together with Adineta steineri . 24.02.2013)
Adineta barbata: another specimen from the same sample. The arrowheads point to the parallel rims of the rostrum.
Adineta barbata, in contrast to Adineta steineri the rostrum has several long bristles on each side. (2)
Adineta barbata, rostrum with bristles (2). The rostrum lamella is folded around the bristles.
Adineta barbata, specimen from (4), 4 aspects of the head, different focus planes. Lower left: focus plane on the ciliary field and rake apparatus, which has 8 U-hooks in each rake (NoUH: 8/8) , which is in contrast to Adineta steineri with number of U.hooks (NoUH): 9/9
Adineta barbata: the diet is transported towards the mouth (green arrow) by the cilia and then goes into the mastax. The fringe of the ciliated field acts like a curtain and may be contracted thus hiding the ciliated field. (3)
A. barbata: focal plane on the teeth of the "hook apparatus" (green arrows). Yellow arrows indicate fibers that may open the "curtain). (3)
Adineta barbata:curtain closed to minimum (3)
Adineta barbata: focal plane on the ciliated stomach lumen which ends in the bladder (Bl). (3)
Adineta barbata: crop of the above image (3)
Silhouettes (created with Adobe Photoshop) showing two specimens of different groups of Adineta occuring in the same habitat. Upper: A. barbata; lower: Adineta steineri (24.2.2013). A. steineri has a bolster on 1st rump segment, A. barbata does not. See also the differences in the rostrum shape!
Adineta barbata: detail of the rake apparatus of specimen macerated with SDS; number of U-hooks(NoUH): 8/8. (5)
Adineta barbata: same specimen; macerated with SDS. This image demonstartes that the basal plate of the rake apparatus is connected to the integument of the rotifer. (5)
Collection of samples (5) by courtesy of Pit Staedler, Gevelsberg.
Location: Gevelsberg, school campus, oak tree (2); Nature reserve Bourtang (3); Schlanders, South Tirol, Italy(5); Hattingen Oberstüter, NRW, Germany, (Tiede´s) forest (6)
Habitat: Algae and moss on bark; moss (2); Sphagum sample (3); dry moss (5); (6)
Date: 31.3.2006/ 29.10. 2008 (2); 11.11.2012 (3); 24.02.2013 (4); 16.01.2021 (5); 28.01.2021 (6)
Identification by courtesy of Nataliia Iakovenko, University of Ostrava, Czech republic
freshwater life
marine life